Are you ready to start 2 hum

Sep 12, 2024

Life can sometimes be very hectic where we have the impression of being lived and only completing TO DO's lists privately and at work. Often we then have to deal with changes to which we have to adapt or resist. All this costs us mountains of energy. Do you recognise this?

The last few weeks have also been very hectic for me and my family with the cherry on top being the birth of our son Mateo on 3 September. So an ideal time to effectively start START TO HUM and build in extra moments of rest and relaxation to be able to stay connected with myself and others more easily afterwards.

People often ask me, 2 HUM for what does that stand for? Well besides a reference to "to serve humanity" and the 2 hummingbirds connecting with each other, it also simply means

"to hum". Some hum when we feel in our cups, others when meditating, and parents often do this to their small children to calm them down. Indeed, it has been scientifically proven that a minimum of 10 minutes of humming is stress-relieving.

So START 2 HUM means that from now on you live more consciously, both consciously about your own behaviour and perceptions and those about others. Every day you make a new choice to choose to connect with yourself and others, work together and be open-minded. Every day, you choose an attitude of empowerment and truly contributing. This attitude will give you wings and the more you encourage others to also START 2 HUM, the more we positively ignite each other.

Like any START TO ... build this slowly, until you have fully integrated this transformation into yourself, into your relationships with others and at work.

Wees gerust, je zal zeker worden uitgedaagd en bij momenten een breakdown ervaren.  Wel in dit geval is dit OK.  Herstel je integriteit en pak de draad weer op.

Author: Christian De Sterck

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